nothing like it did the day of the auction. The only
recourse for those stuck with a frame they don't like is to
buy a new frame from a frame shop.
More importantly, through these auctions the overall
value of an artist is reduced to almost nothing. When an
artist who sells their work at $1,200 for a limited
edition, suddenly has a very large body of their work
on cruise ships auctioning for three or four hundred
dollars, the market value for their art is now three or
four hundred dollars.
People who are purchasing these works are not
informed that what they're buying are close-out items which
didn't sell well to begin with and will resell for less than they
paid when they go to sell them. What they really don't
understand is buying this art contributes to support a
system that profits from the devouring of artists' careers.
Once an artist has had their values stripped in
theses auctions the galleries who have been dealing
with the artist will stop buying his or her work. The
artist's values are now split between the gallery values and
cruise auction value, and both cannot be sustained. Since
people can now get the lower value they will not look kindly
on galleries maintaining the higher value.
experienced this in the past, art galleries will quickly close
out the artist and never deal with them again, leaving what
was a still growing career in the dust.
All of this is outside the artist's control and that's truly
the saddest part. The 1 billion dollar industry of cruise ship
and hotel art auctions is generating the demise of artists
who had nothing to do with their own demise. Untold
n u m b e r s  of  artists  have  lost  their  gallery
representation and their livelihood because of this