Framing The Deal
I'm going to let you in on how I get the best
deal possible when buying frames.  Grab a list of
framers in your area and take your beloved artwork to the
first frame shop on your list. Pick out the framing you think
best suits the artwork, have the framer write the entire
quote out for you including the types of frames he's
going to use, the manufacturers of these frames, the
types of materials etc.  Then take the rest of your list,
the list of his competitors, and begin calling them with
your exact item list and ask for an exact quote. This will
help you find the best prices in town within 3 or 4 phone
calls. A reputable framer won't object to giving you a quote
because they honesty feel they are charging fair prices and
want you to know it. If you find a framer not cooperative,
just go to another framer.
Before you choose a framer make sure they're
insured. If your artwork gets stolen from the frame shop, if
it's damaged during a fire or during framing, you want to
know the framer is insured for the full current value
of your item. It happens more often than you would