adversarial view of the whole situation. You will find most
galleries thanking you for giving them a chance to earn your
business and they would recommend you buy your piece
from the dealer offering the better deal, online or not.
All galleries are a business in the business of selling
you art. And you can be nice to them yet get the best deal
possible without being taken for a ride. Remember, the
longer art hangs on the walls the more of a burden it
becomes on the gallery, which has to pay the rent every
month. If a certain work has not moved in a long time, the
gallery will definitely have more incentive to sell it to
someone rather than send it back or have it continue to sit
on the wall. Keeping this in mind will help you maintain a
level head when negotiating for art.
The most important secret in the successful art
negotiation is having good manners. The second secret is to
approach the situation in a way which keeps you and the
gallery as friends. The third secret is to know most galleries
will customarily give you a five to ten percent
accommodation, (this is what galleries call a discount)
simply by you asking, `What accommodation can you make
for me?'  Some galleries may be go as far as a 15%
accommodation under the right set of circumstances. If
you're buying several pieces art or the art has been hanging
in the gallery for some months, you can definitely
attempt to push for a 15% discount.
Many clients feel reluctant to negotiate because they
feel like they're doing something they're not supposed to be
doing. The best way, I suggest, of approaching the subject
tactfully so it wont make you feel like you're on a used car
lot is to make yourself comfortable and your negotiating as
low key as possible.  This does not mean to cower in a
corner and whimper some incoherent babble about