Buying Art To Make Your House A Home
When you buy art for you, listen to yourself and not
an outside person. Many people for whatever reason
get into the habit of consulting experts. When it
comes to taxes I wholeheartedly agree. When it comes to
legal advice and contracts, I don't think you should do
anything without a lawyer. When it comes to decorating
your house, let the decorator take care of the colors,
upholster the sofa whatever, but when it comes to touching
your artwork hands-off! Your art helps make your house a
home and more importantly it should be art which touches
your soul. Should the art you choose not be quite in line
with the colors of your home, my advice is change the
colors of your home.
By no means should you in one fell swoop go out and
buy an entire houseful of art. That's a positively good
way to have all your art go into storage. Buy artwork
you really feel; don't buy it because it's the right color for
your sofa, or it fits into an empty horizontal space on your
People often ask about having an artist commissioned
to paint a mural in their home. If you already know you like
the artist's work chances are you will absolutely love what
they create for you. But if you go on to sell your house
taking it with you may prove impossible. An option to
this tragic loss is to have the artist work on a giant over-
sized canvas, huge enough so it completely covers the
wall. This way should you move it's an investment you get
to keep.