before the clay model is ready for bronze casting. And
the amount of human effort, blood, sweat, and sacrifice
which follows is beyond definition. Still it's difficult to
see anyone paying for a sculpture based on parts and
labor. If this were the case only the mega, mega rich would
own sculptures.
And while it's true sculptures of size can range from
ten thousand dollars to several hundred thousand dollars,
the fact is, the artists and foundries dedicated to fine art
sculpting are doing it more for the love and need to create
art than for the marginal profits involved.
After the bronze sculpture has been cast, put back
together, and sanded down with blowtorches, it's ready to
leave the foundry and go to the Patination studio.
Patination is the long way of saying patinas, which are the
chemical agents used to color bronze sculptures.
There are two forms of Patination, there is Hot
Patina and there is Cold Patina. Some artists devote their
entire career to the art of Patination. It is through the
patina that a sculpture is given it's definition, color,
and life. If the patina artist is a different one than the
originator of the sculpture, they are also responsible for
fulfilling the vision of the artist who struggled against
desperate odds and an exhausting process to see the
sculpture come into existence.
When it comes to selecting the type of patina to be
used it's hard to say how or why an artist may choose hot
patinas or cold patinas. Hot patinas are acid based chemical
compounds, which become activated by the heat from
blowtorches. When the compounds are active they release
different colors, which are then used to color the sculpture.
This is a very dicey process because not always is the
reaction between the bronze and the patina happening right